Welcome to
Third Millennium Covenanters
"A People Saturated by God"
Third Millennium Covenanters is an International Ministry with Associates in Scotland, Wales, England, the United States of America and in Africa.
GOD is raising up an Army of Modern Day Covenanters, just like the Covenanters of old in Scotland who took a stand for the faith and in many cases were executed for standing for Christ as the Head of the Church irrespective of what the Scottish born King now based in England and his Ministers dictated.
We also have an online Bible School that was set up initially to help train Christians and non Christians alike who live in Third World Nations.
Matthew 24:14 Authorized King James Version
And this gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations
and then shall the end come.

This picture shows the Covenanters Prison in the grounds of Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh. Note that this was an open air prison, and many Covenanters died of exposure. There used to be a sign on the gates with the words "Covenanters Prison" on it but this was removed in 2010.

In this picture I am standing at the entrance of the gates of the Covenanters Prison on St. Andrew's Day, 30th November 2010. The snow is 6 inches deep and shows just how exposed this prison was. But this is how the King and His Government dealt with those who chose to stand up for their faith and declare no King but Jesus.

This stone in the Grass Market in Edinburgh, just a short walk from the Covenanters Prison in the grounds of Greyfriars Kirkyard, is where many of the Covenanters were executed for their Faith. Nearby you will find a list of all of the men, women and children that were executed in the name of the King.

Please feel free to return and check on our progress
Bill Mackie
Author / Broadcaster / Covenanter / Humanitarian